Benethelium® H Hemorrhoidal Cream for Internal and External Application

(4 customer reviews)


Benethelium® H Hemorrhoidal Cream is a natural remedy for hemorrhoids and piles. One carton contains 14 single use soft tubes with insertion nozzles. Each tube contains 3 grams of cream. Please follow instructions on the back of carton for internal and external applications. We recommend a usage of up to 2 times daily or after each bowl movement. You may experience slight burning sensation after application, which will subside after about ten minutes, and the burning sensation diminishes after each application.

Benethelium® H hemorrhoid cream is a revolutionary new product, developed by Mannine Science Corp through many years’ research and development. The product is designed to relieve pain and itching, to remove blood clots in thrombosed and swollen blood vessels, to promote healing through generating new skin and blood vessels, rather than providing temporary numbing and cooling. The product contains natural ingredients: phospholipids, alpha-lipoic acid, oligosaccharides, collagen peptides, glycerin, and water.

How Benethelium® H Works

Hemorrhoids are swollen and irritated veins or blood vessels around anus and lower rectum. The swelling of veins could be caused by pregnancy, obese, heavy lifting, constipation or diarrhea, sitting on toilet for too long, operating and sitting on moving vehicles for too long, and family history of hemorrhoids.

There are four types of hemorrhoids: internal, internal prolapsed, external, and thrombosed. The thrombosed ones are external or internal, in which the swollen veins are filled with blood clot called thrombosis. This type of hemorrhoids could be very painful. The blood clots block blood flow, causing painful and discomfort symptoms.

Alpha lipoic acid, is an antioxidant found in the body and in foods naturally. Alpha lipoic acid, when taken and absorbed into human cells, it is quickly converted into dihydro lipoic acid (DHLA). Studies have shown that DHLA can significantly decrease the levels of fibrinogen, factor VII, von Willebrand factor proteins, which are core factors causing blood clotting or thrombosis. So locally supplied alpha lipoic acid in the anal area could lessen the formation of new blood clots, and melt away the fibrous protein threads which bind blood cells together to form thrombosis.

Blood vessels are swollen and weakened due to stress. Phospholipids and hydrolyzed collagen helps to rebuild the walls of blood vessels by promoting biosynthesis of cell membrane and collagen which makes blood vessels stronger and more elastic to cope with physical stress.

Beta glucan, an naturally occurring polysaccharide, shows effectiveness in restoring and repairing skin barrier function.
The product does not employ any harmful synthetic antimicrobials. Instead, a natural preservative glycerin is used to decrease the water availability in order to control the microbial growth.

We believe that you, like many people, have searched the web up and down, and tried numerous hemorrhoid products to cure their pain-in-the-ass problem, finally found the our products. We are confident that your search will end here. If you are not satisfied with our products, we accept returns and refund your money.

We developed dietary supplement form of our hemorrhoid products under Benethelium® H brand, which can be taken orally, in combination with this cream, or be used alone on special occasions.

4 reviews for Benethelium® H Hemorrhoidal Cream for Internal and External Application

  1. KevinH3 (verified owner)

    Thank you, Doc, for liberating me from the pain.

  2. Angelsw411 (verified owner)

    I have suffered hemorrhoids for over a decade. I tried everything available on the market, nothing really worked, only temporary relief of pain and itching. I used benethelium for 2 weeks, my problem is gone, and has not come back after one year.

  3. Cw1224 (verified owner)

    I am a pregnant soon to be mother and have been having hemorrhoids since I became pregnancy. I consulted with my husband who is a doctor before use and he said the ingredients are safe to use. When I first started using, there was a lot of burning. As the hemorrhoids were healing the burning is less and I haven’t had any hemorrhoid issues since. I’ve only been using this for a week but it’s already healing me. I added lots of greens to my diet so it has also helped my hemorrhoids.

  4. dvessal (verified owner)

    Before spending major money for a Hemorrhoid surgery, followed by agonizing pain in your rectum for at least a week, try a box of Benethelium® H Hemorrhoidal Cream for Internal and External Application.

    It is a great way to get rid of your hemorrhoid with the least amount of money and pain. You will not be disappointed, it worked for me.


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