About Us
Mannine Science Corp
Mannine Science develops intellectual property and innovative products in the realm of dietary supplement and skincare industry.
Manna is a heavenly food and medicine. Mannine, as our company name indicates, means the essence of manna. We study and extract essential compounds from the nature and formulate into products which are beneficial to human and animal health, cure diseases, and prevent epidemic and pandemic of deadly diseases.
Mannine Science have developed products under Benethelium® brand name, which repairs and restores the integrity of skin and gastrointestinal lining. Repairing skin barrier becomes the base for our moisturizing skincare products. The restoration of gastrointestinal lining forms the foundation of our Benethelium® H series for hemorrhoid treatment, and Benethelium® IBD dietary supplements for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), mainly Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Mannine Science has discovered a group of bioactive compounds, naturally occurring, exhibiting potent antifungal activities against wide spectrum of pathogenic fungi, including drug-resistant strains of Candida auris, an emerging multidrug-resistant pathogen which presents a serious global health threat. A variety of antifungal products are under development and will be available to market shortly, under Candidan® brand name.
Mannine Science is currently working on a dietary supplement product under Bomorin® brand, with a uniquely prepared functioning protein component from silkworm Bombyx mori. The product is to control and moderate high blood pressure and other chronic disorders. The product is currently being tested in a small scale clinical trial.
To have a skin deep understanding how Benethelium® products work, Read Here.

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